Various Calculators and Their Stories

Back to the Future

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When the problems that occurred in the creation of calculators were solved, it was realized that using the same principles and technology, devices with multiple functions and wider applications could be made.

That's why, at the end of the 20th century, devices that combined calculators, address books, planners, and similar applications started to be made.

All these devices could load new applications, which diminished the importance of calculators, so today you don't have a calculator with a phone, but a phone that also includes a calculator.
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Skeniraj kod mobitelom i uperi kameru u sliku da pokreneš AR.
Abak - antički kalkulatorimage background
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Skeniraj kod mobitelom i uperi kameru u sliku da pokreneš AR.


Between PSION 3 and PSION 5, there existed PSION REVO, not PSION 4. In Far Eastern countries, the number 4 is considered unlucky, and the reason lies in the fact that the word for death and the word for four are pronounced similarly (phonetically sei).

As a result, companies that want their products, including calculators, to thrive in the Far Eastern market adapt to this cultural peculiarity in various ways.

This phenomenon is not limited to product names only; for example, the numbering of floors in buildings also avoids the use of the number 4.

Money up to the Roof

Although calculators have lost prestige today and their sales have drastically declined compared to earlier times, it doesn't mean that they have lost value.

This is best exemplified by the example of a German mechanical calculator from the 19th century, which was sold at an auction in 1993 for a staggering $11.8 million. Old calculators can still be very valuable.